Maria Burke with special guest, Kate O’Sullivan discussing the benefits of physical therapy
Tell Tale Signs Your Aging Parents Need Help.
Look for these signs to know when it’s time to step in and provide on-site care for your loved one.
A “How To” video instruction on how to move your loved one from a Bed to the wheelchair.
A “How To” video instruction on how to make a bed while your loved one remains in it.
Celtic Angels is dedicated to providing the care and support that will enable clients to reach their highest level of health, function and comfort while remaining in their homes. We believe in encouraging independence and self-care to the greatest extent possible in order to preserve the clients’ dignity and autonomy. We believe in providing care that has been tailored to each person’s unique situation and in recommending changes that will be of benefit to the clients. We strive to do more than what is expected and will measure our success not by numbers, but by the quality of our service and our relationship with our clients.